Introducing women to God so that they can experience a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ and whole heartily depend on him and heal.
Mission. Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and giving alternatives to the current or previous life styles and choices made because of what they felt they lacked in their lives.
Identify the issue
Build self-esteem
Introduce to God
Rebuild family relationships
Introduce to biblical self-learnings
Build new Godly relationships
Finding our Beauty over Flaws
Flaws over beauty- makeup exercise
Discussion- Self-worth and value
Scripture referral- Self Love (Song of Solomon 4:7)
Q & A
End with Positive Compliments
Growing up With Momma
The Blame Game exercise – Break every Chain
Discussion- What did I learn because of my circumstances
Discussion - Is Forgiveness an option?
Scripture referrals- Forgiveness (Mathew 6:14-15)
Q & A
End with Positive Compliments
Graduating Ceremony
Scripture Revelation from sisters
What we learned
Individual certificate giveaway
Identifying Hurt
Introduction of self and ministry
Introduction of sisters
Work on a Study- “Hurt”
Q & A
End with Positive compliments
Growing up Without
Identifying lack of presence when we needed it
Work on Study- “Who can replace my emptiness?”
Short sermon - Relying on God and Not Man
Scripture referral- Trusting the lord (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Q & A
End with Positive Compliments
Healing Stages
Necklace - A life Changing or altering moment
Work on Study- “Freedom, the power of healing”
Look me in my face exercise
Break Free from Chain
Scripture referral- Pain (2 Corinthians 4:17; 12:7-10)
Q & A
Homework- Find Scripture they can refer to
End with Positive Compliments